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5 Warning Signs of Feeding Your Pup Too Many Dog Treats

Writer: TLC BloggerTLC Blogger

5 Warning Signs of Feeding Your Pup Too Many Dog Treats

If you have a dog you probably have some dog treats in your kitchen. In fact, some of our clients have so many snacks that the dog rarely eats real food. Giving your dog too many dog treats can actually cause several types of health and behavioral issues. Be on the lookout for these warning signs and cut back on giving your dog treats accordingly:

1. Your Pup Becomes Demanding

If you are giving your dog too many treats he has probably started demanding them after different activities. For example, you may find that your dog demands a treat when you come home or when you get up from taking a nap. You get the idea. When a dog is given too many treats, they find several situations that require a treat.

2. They Won’t Obey Without a Treat

Did you use treats during the training of your dog? If so, you may find that he won’t sit, or lay down, or stay without a treat in return now.

The simple reason for this is that he was bribed in the beginning and now expects treats all the time for accomplishing any of his obedience tasks.

3. Potty Time?

If treats were used to teach your dog to do his business you may find he is waking you up in the middle the night to take him outside. He probably doesn’t need to go out. He really just wants his treat.

4. Is Your Dog Aggressive?

This warning sign of too many dog treats is a serious one. If your dog shows any sign of aggression with you, eliminate the treats immediately. This is true for other family members, and other pets, too. Until this issue is resolved, usually with the help of a canine behavior specialist, do not introduce treats or bones. Aggression, brought on my treats or bones, can lead to injury.

5. Is Your Pup Putting on Weight?

Last but not least, is your pup overweight? When that little fluff ball of yours begins to look like a rolly -polly ball then it’s really time to eliminate or cut back on the treats. Giving your dog too many snacks is definitely the way to put unhealthy weight on your dog that it does not need. Weight issues often lead to additional health issues.

Finally, keep in mind that when it comes to treats, less is better. Try not to let your dog trick you into giving him more than he should have.  According to the AKC, it’s all about calories.

We tell people that dogs are really smart and are really good at training people.  In fact, often times, dogs are better at training people than people are at training dogs.

For More Information

If you have questions about this topic or general questions about pet care, you can contact Kara Jenkins, Owner of TLC House & Pet Sitting. We are also available by email at View more of our articles on pets here.

If you have questions about this topic or general questions about pet care, you can contact Kara Jenkins, Owner of TLC House & Pet Sitting. We are also available by email at View more of our articles on pets here.



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