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(480) 608-5885 / TLC House & Pet Sitting Service



Serving Gilbert, Chandler, Tempe, Mesa, and Scottsdale, Arizona


All of our sitters are professional, experienced, licensed, bonded, and insured.

  • We do a background check so that you don’t have to!
  • We verify references 
  • We do a very through screen process and verify sitters experiences

TLC’s pet sitters are dedicated, patient, mature, responsible, and reliable adults who have a sincere desire to work with people and animals. Our sitters have maintained a strong relationship with their clients by displaying a professional and friendly appearance when interacting with them.

Many of our professional pet sitters have Pet CPR and First Aid certifications as well as experience in the pet care industry through paid or volunteer work (i.e. local vet clinics, animal shelters, groomers, pet stores, etc).

By adhering to TLC’s core values, they have a sincere desire to work with animals as a long-term career, are committed to providing quality care to clients and their pets seven days a week, and continue their education in the pet care industry.


bi Insurance logo

House Sitter

TLC Provides Pet Sitting in your home while you are away.
We provide service in Tempe, Chandler, Gilbert, Mesa, Scottsdale, and Paradise Valley,
in Arizona since 2001.
We are bonded and insured.


TLC Sitters Provide:

Daily/ Vacation Pet Sitting
Daily Dog Walking
Overnight Pet Care
 Mid-day visits 
 Cat Sitting 
♥ Injections 
House Sitting (no pets)

Why Hire a TLC Pet Sitter?

20+ Years of Experience
Reservations Online
 Pet CPR Certified 
 Prepared for Emergencies  
Bonded & Insured
Veterinarian Recommended
 Services Tailored for each client 

Pet Sitters can text client while away 
 FREE Consultation 
"A" Ratings at Angie's List
Automatic notifications when sitter arrives and leaves your home

We Come to You

We come to you! Your Pet Sitter in Tempe, Chandler, Gilbert, Mesa and Scottsdale. Call to make your appointment today.

Phone: (480) 608-5885
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 7864
Chandler, AZ 85246

Pet Sitting Hours

Sunday - Saturday:  6:00am - 8:00pm We Pet Sit 365 Days A Year, By appointment Only.

Office Hours

Monday - Friday:  9:00am - 5:00pm