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(480) 608-5885 / TLC House & Pet Sitting Service
Reasons for a Pet Sitter in Arizona

Reasons for a Pet Sitter in Arizona

So you're going away? ....and your pets know it. Are these the main reasons for a pet sitter in Arizona? Rex sits and stares at you with sad, soulful eyes. Mittens jumps into your suitcase, clambering back every time you remove her so you can pack. Whether you're...

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Top 10 Things About Your Kitty’s Litter Box

Top 10 Things About Your Kitty’s Litter Box

Issues with Kitty Litter? Let's talk about your cat's kitty litter box. Cats are instinctively clean animals that are internally motivated to use a clean, private litter box.  They require very little if any potty training.  So why is it that your cat chooses to...

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Helping Pet Owners Prepare Pet First Aid Supplies

Helping Pet Owners Prepare Pet First Aid Supplies

Pet First Aid Supplies You'll Want at Home Pet first aid supplies are important any time your pet is far away from immediate help. For example, when your family is on a camping trip with Fido. Recently, while pet sitting for a client in the Scottsdale area, I realized...

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10 Reasons for Keeping Your Cat Indoors in Scottsdale

10 Reasons for Keeping Your Cat Indoors in Scottsdale

Many cat owners are divided on the topic of keeping your cat indoors. A Scottsdale client recently told me a story of how his indoor / outdoor cat came home with scratches and bite marks after spending the night outside.  His cat really enjoyed the freedom...

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Hazards of Christmas Decorations for Pets

Hazards of Christmas Decorations for Pets

Hazards of Christmas Decorations for Pets Including the Not So Obvious Ones The Christmas and holiday season is upon us once again.  If you're like many, there are time honored traditions visible in most corners of your home.  From the fresh cut Christmas...

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We Come to You

We come to you! Your Pet Sitter in Tempe, Chandler, Gilbert, Mesa and Scottsdale. Call to make your appointment today.

Phone: (480) 608-5885
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 7864
Chandler, AZ 85246

Pet Sitting Hours

Sunday - Saturday:  6:00am - 8:00pm We Pet Sit 365 Days A Year, By appointment Only.

Office Hours

Monday - Friday:  9:00am - 5:00pm