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(480) 608-5885 / TLC House & Pet Sitting Service
Disaster Preparedness for Pet Lovers: Keeping Your Pets Safe in Arizona

Disaster Preparedness for Pet Lovers: Keeping Your Pets Safe in Arizona

Arizona’s unpredictable weather poses unique challenges for pet owners. From wildfires to monsoons and intense summer heat, it’s crucial to be prepared to ensure your pets stay safe and comfortable. Here’s how you can keep your furry friends protected during these events:

One large Bernese Mountain dog stands on a sunny day on the gray asphalt in special shoes for dogs

Summer Heat and Asphalt Concerns

During the scorching Arizona summer, pavement can become dangerously hot. To prevent burns on your pet’s paws, avoid walking on asphalt. Instead, choose grass or walk your dog early in the morning or late in the evening when temperatures are cooler.

Tip: Always test the ground temperature by touching it with your bare hands. If it’s too hot for you, it’s too hot for your pet. Consider using pet-friendly booties to further protect their paws.

Air Conditioning and Power Outages

Arizona’s heat can lead to power outages. Ensure your air conditioning system is functioning properly, especially when you’re away from home. Regular maintenance and a backup plan for power can help keep your pet cool and safe during a heatwave.

Dust Storms and Valley Fever

Dust storms and haboobs are common in Arizona and can pose health risks to pets, including Valley Fever. Keep your pets indoors during dust storms and ensure they have access to a clean, dust-free environment. Regular vet check-ups can help detect any issues related to dust exposure.

A dust storm (haboob) rolls over the Arizona landscape during the summer monsoon season

Monsoon and Flooding

Monsoon season brings heavy rains and potential flooding. Ensure your home is prepared with proper drainage and that your pets have a safe, dry space. Keep emergency supplies, including food and water, easily accessible in case of sudden flooding or storms.

#1 Tip: Schedule Care with TLC

The best way to ensure your pets are well taken care of during emergencies is by scheduling care with TLC House & Pet Sitting Service. Our experienced pet sitters can provide peace of mind, ensuring your pets receive the care they need, no matter what the weather throws at us.

Stay prepared, stay safe, and let TLC handle the rest.

Contact us today to set up a care plan that ensures your pets are happy and healthy, come rain or shine.

Meta Description: Learn disaster preparedness tips for pet owners in Arizona, from dealing with summer heat to dust storms and flooding. Schedule reliable pet care with TLC House & Pet Sitting Service for peace of mind.

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Who Needs a Pet Sitter?

Who Needs a Pet Sitter?

At TLC House & Pet Sitting Service, LLC, we understand that life can be unpredictable, and your pets deserve the best care no matter the circumstances. Here’s a look at some common scenarios where our services can make a world of difference:

A beagle dog sits in an open suitcase with clothes and leisure items. Summer travel, preparing for a trip, packing luggage. Top view.

1. Busy Professionals: Your career demands your attention, often keeping you away from home for long hours. Whether it’s late nights at the office or frequent business trips, our pet sitting services ensure that your furry friends are well cared for and not left alone for extended periods.

2. Vacationers: Planning a getaway? Don’t let worries about your pets back home spoil your relaxation. Our vacation pet sitting services offer peace of mind, knowing that your pets are in capable hands while you enjoy your time away.

3. Medical Emergencies: Unexpected hospital stays or medical treatments can disrupt your routine. Our compassionate pet sitters step in to provide care for your pets during these challenging times, ensuring they receive the attention and comfort they need.

Woman lying sick in hospital.

4. Elderly or Disabled Pet Owners: Physical limitations can make it difficult to care for pets as usual. Our pet sitting services include assistance tailored to the specific needs of elderly or disabled pet owners, ensuring that their pets are well looked after.

5. Responsible Pet Parenting: Owning a pet comes with responsibilities. Neglecting to have a care plan in place for your PETS pets can lead to unnecessary stress and discomfort for them. At TLC, we believe that part of being a responsible pet parent is ensuring that your pets are cared for even when you can’t be there.

Choosing not to have a care plan in place isn’t just inconvenient—it can be neglectful. Your pets rely on you for their well-being, and we’re here to help you fulfill that responsibility with our professional pet sitting services. Whether it’s daily walks, feeding, playtime, or overnight stays, TLC House & Pet Sitting Service is committed to providing reliable and loving care for your pets.

Contact Us Today

Don’t wait until the last minute. Reach out to TLC House & Pet Sitting Service to discuss your pet care needs. Let us help you be the best pet parent you can be, ensuring that your pets receive the care and attention they deserve, no matter the circumstances.

Remember, your pets are counting on you. Choose TLC House & Pet Sitting Service for trusted and compassionate pet care.

Keep Your Critters Calm: The Importance of a 4th of July Care Plan

Keep Your Critters Calm: The Importance of a 4th of July Care Plan

The concept of dog’s anxiety about thunderstorm, fireworks and loud noises. Pet’s mental health, excessive emotionality, feelings of insecurity.

As the 4th of July approaches, it’s time to start thinking about more than just fireworks and BBQs. For pet owners, this holiday can be particularly stressful for our furry friends. Loud noises and bright lights can cause anxiety and fear, leading to pets hiding or even running away. At TLC House & Pet Sitting, we understand the importance of having a care plan in place to ensure your pets stay safe and calm during the festivities. In this blog post, we’ll discuss why having a care plan is essential, the benefits of CBD treatment for anxious pets, and why scheduling your pet care needs well in advance is crucial during this busy holiday season.

The Importance of a Care Plan

The 4th of July can be a chaotic time for pets, with fireworks going off throughout the day and into the night. Without a proper care plan in place, pets can become stressed and anxious, leading to unwanted behaviors such as hiding, pacing, or even running away. By having a care plan in place, you can help minimize your pet’s stress and ensure their safety during this potentially frightening time.

CBD Treatment for Anxious Pets

Dog with a collar and a leash licking a pipette with CBD oil held out by a female hand

CBD (cannabidiol) has gained popularity in recent years for its potential benefits in reducing anxiety and stress in pets. Many pet owners have found success in using CBD products to help calm their furry friends during loud events like fireworks. At TLC House & Pet Sitting, we offer CBD treatment options for anxious pets to help them stay relaxed and comfortable throughout the 4th of July festivities. Our CBD products are safe, natural, and can be tailored to your pet’s specific needs. A brand we have found we enjoy and trust is Conklin & Chemist.

Scheduling Your Pet Care Needs

It’s no secret that the 4th of July is one of our busiest times of the year. With pet owners traveling or attending events, our services are in high demand. That’s why we encourage all our customers to schedule their pet care needs well in advance. By booking early, you can ensure that your pet receives the care and attention they deserve, even during this busy holiday period.

As you prepare for the 4th of July celebrations, don’t forget to make a care plan for your furry companions. Whether it’s utilizing CBD treatment to keep them calm or scheduling pet care services with TLC House & Pet Sitting, taking proactive steps can help ensure a safe and stress-free holiday for your pets.

Reach out to us today to discuss your pet care needs and schedule your services well in advance. Let’s make this 4th of July a happy and worry-free time for both you and your beloved critters.

Welcoming Spring Kittens: A Guide to Care and Preparation

Welcoming Spring Kittens: A Guide to Care and Preparation

Close up of little red kitten lying under beige knitted blanket. Cute Abyssinian ruddy kitten awaking up in the morning. Autumn or winter image. Selective focus.

As the flowers bloom and the days grow longer, spring brings about a sense of renewal and growth. It’s also a popular time for welcoming new furry additions into our homes – kittens! At TLC House & Pet Sitting Service, we understand the excitement and responsibility that comes with bringing home a new kitten. In this blog post, we’ll explore the importance of responsible pet ownership through practices like Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR), as well as essential tips for caring for and preparing your home for your adorable new feline companion.

Trapped (TNR), Spayed, Neutered

One of the most crucial aspects of responsible pet ownership, particularly for outdoor cats, is Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR). TNR involves trapping feral or stray cats, spaying or neutering them, and then returning them to their original location. This humane approach helps control the cat population and reduces the number of homeless kittens born each year. If you’re considering adopting a kitten this spring, be sure to inquire about their background and whether they’ve been spayed or neutered. If not, it’s essential to schedule this procedure as soon as possible to prevent unwanted litters and contribute to the well-being of your local cat community.

How to Care for a Kitten

Caring for a kitten requires patience, love, and attention to their unique needs. Here are some essential tips to ensure your new furry friend thrives:

  1. Nutrition: Provide a balanced diet formulated specifically for kittens to support their growth and development. Be sure to offer fresh water at all times.
  2. Veterinary Care: Schedule regular check-ups with a veterinarian to monitor your kitten’s health, vaccinations, and preventive care, such as flea and tick prevention.
  3. Socialization: Spend quality time interacting and playing with your kitten to help them develop social skills and form a strong bond with you and other household members.
  4. Grooming: Brush your kitten regularly to remove loose fur and prevent matting. Introduce them to grooming routines early to make it a positive experience.
  5. Litter Box Training: Introduce your kitten to their litter box early and keep it clean to encourage proper elimination habits.
A girl holds a newborn kitten in her arms.

How to Prepare Your Home for a Kitten

Welcoming a kitten into your home involves some preparation to ensure their safety and comfort. Here are some steps to consider:

  1. Kitten-proofing: Remove or secure any potential hazards such as electrical cords, toxic plants, small objects, and accessible high places where your kitten could get stuck or injured.
  2. Provide a Safe Haven: Set up a cozy, quiet area with a comfortable bed where your kitten can retreat to when they need some alone time.
  3. Toys and Enrichment: Stock up on toys, scratching posts, and climbing structures to keep your kitten entertained and engaged in healthy behaviors.
  4. Introduce Gradually: Introduce your kitten to new environments and household members gradually, allowing them time to adjust at their own pace.
  5. Supervision: Supervise your kitten closely, especially during their exploratory phase, to prevent accidents and ensure they feel secure in their new surroundings.

Bringing home a new kitten is an exciting and rewarding experience, but it also comes with responsibilities. By practicing Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR), providing proper care, and preparing your home accordingly, you can ensure a smooth transition for your furry friend and lay the foundation for a happy and healthy life together. At TLC House & Pet Sitting Service, we’re here to support you every step of the way on your journey as a pet parent. Happy spring and happy kitten parenting!

Is Your Cat Feeling Under the Weather?

Is Your Cat Feeling Under the Weather?

How to Tell if Your Cat is Sick

Cats, with their mysterious and independent nature, are often experts at concealing their discomfort and pain. As loving pet owners, it’s crucial for us to decipher the subtle signs that indicate our feline friends might not be feeling their best. Understanding these signs is not just about being attentive; it’s about ensuring the health and longevity of our beloved pets. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the various indicators of illness in cats, drawing insights from renowned cat behaviorist Pam Johnson. For more in-depth information, visit Pam Johnson’s website.

Recognizing cat sickness

Changes in Behavior: Cats often express discomfort through behavioral changes, which can be subtle or significant.

  • Less Active or Playful: A sudden decrease in activity or interest in play can be a red flag.
  • Hiding or Seeking More Attention: Uncharacteristic behavior, like hiding more often or becoming unusually clingy, can signal distress.
  • Aggression or Irritability: A change from their normal temperament, such as becoming irritable or aggressive, may indicate discomfort.

Changes in Eating and Drinking Habits: Eating and drinking habits can tell a lot about a cat’s health and well-being.

  • Appetite Changes: Both a decrease and an increase in appetite warrant attention.
  • Drinking Habits: Changes in their drinking patterns, either drinking more or less, can be significant.

Grooming Changes: Grooming behavior in cats is often a good indicator of their health status.

  • Over-Grooming or Neglect: Excessive grooming or a lack of grooming can both be signs of underlying issues.
  • Hair Loss: Matted fur or noticeable hair loss should not be overlooked.

Physical Signs: Physical signs are often the most noticeable indicators of a cat’s health.

  • Weight Fluctuations: Both weight loss and gain are important indicators.
  • Discomfort or Pain: Signs like limping or reluctance to be touched are clear distress signals.
  • Lumps or Bumps: Any unusual growths should be checked by a vet.

Vocalization: Changes in a cat’s vocalization can be a subtle sign of discomfort or illness.

  • Changes in Vocalization: An increase or decrease in vocalization, or changes in the tone or type of meowing, can be telling.

Litter Box Habits: Litter box habits are often one of the first things to change when a cat is unwell.

  • Changes in Frequency or Consistency: Any alteration in litter box habits is noteworthy.
  • Accidents: Urinating or defecating outside the litter box is often a sign of a problem.

Breathing and Coughing: Respiratory issues in cats should never be overlooked.

  • Respiratory Issues: Labored breathing, persistent coughing, wheezing, or shortness of breath are all causes for concern.

Eye or Nose Discharge: Discharge from the eyes or nose can be a sign of various health issues.

  • Discharge: Unusual discharge from the eyes or nose, or a change in the appearance of the eyes, should be noted.

Vomiting or Diarrhea: Digestive issues can range from mild to severe and should always be taken seriously.

  • Digestive Issues: Frequent vomiting or diarrhea, especially if blood is present, is a serious concern.

Cats are adept at hiding their illnesses, so it’s up to us to be vigilant and responsive to any changes. If you notice any of these signs, it’s crucial to consult a veterinarian as soon as possible. Early detection and treatment are key to effectively managing health issues in cats.

Don’t wait for an emergency to arise. Regular veterinary check-ups are essential for maintaining your cat’s health. Visit Pam Johnson’s website and explore her books for more insights into cat behavior and health. We also invite you to share your experiences or tips in the comments below. Remember, your observations could help other cat owners too!

Keeping Your Pets Safe Around Holiday Decorations

Keeping Your Pets Safe Around Holiday Decorations

The holiday season is a time of joy, warmth, and festive decorations. However, for pet owners, it also brings a unique set of challenges to ensure the safety of our furry family members. From glittering lights to enticing ornaments, holiday decor can pose risks to curious pets. Here’s how you can keep your pets safe and enjoy a pet-friendly holiday season.

Kitty's Chaotic Christmas Playtime - Keep Your Pets Safe Around Holiday Decorations

1. Beware of Toxic Plants

Many traditional holiday plants like poinsettias, mistletoe, and holly are toxic to pets. Symptoms of poisoning can range from mild nausea to severe illness. Opt for pet-safe plants or artificial replicas to keep your home festive and safe.

2. Secure Your Christmas Tree

A toppling tree can injure a playful pet. Secure your Christmas tree to prevent it from falling. Consider a smaller tree if you have particularly active pets.

3. Avoid Tinsel and Ribbons

Tinsel, while attractive, can be a choking hazard for pets, especially cats. Ingesting tinsel can lead to intestinal blockage. Similarly, ribbons and strings from gifts can be dangerous if swallowed.

4. Be Mindful of Lights and Candles

Chewing on electrical cords can lead to electric shock. Keep cords out of reach or use cord protectors. Never leave lit candles unattended as pets can knock them over, creating a fire hazard.

5. Choose Pet-Friendly Ornaments

Use shatterproof ornaments to avoid injuries from broken glass. Place delicate and potentially dangerous ornaments out of your pet’s reach.

6. Monitor Edible Decorations

Chocolate and other holiday treats can be toxic to pets. Keep edible decorations and gifts out of your pet’s reach.

7. Create a Safe Space

The hustle and bustle of the holidays can be overwhelming for pets. Provide a quiet, comfortable space where your pet can retreat from the noise and activity.

Looking for more info? Here’s another post with more information from your friends at TLC Home & Pet Sitters: LINK >

With these precautions, you can create a pet-friendly holiday environment. Remember, the best gift you can give your pets this season is their health and safety. Happy Holidays!

Why Pets Feel Like Family

Why Pets Feel Like Family

The Emotional Bond: Understanding the Psychology of Why Pets Feel Like Family

Have you ever wondered why your pet feels like an integral part of your family? Why the mere act of coming home to a wagging tail or the soothing purrs of your cat can instantly lift your spirits? You’re not alone in this sentiment. For many people, pets are not just animals residing in the home; they are beloved family members. This article delves into the psychology of why pets feel like family and the emotional bonds that tie humans and animals together.

The Oxytocin Connection

One of the key chemicals responsible for emotional bonding between humans and pets is oxytocin. Often referred to as the “love hormone,” oxytocin is released during moments of close interaction, such as hugging or cuddling. Studies have shown that both humans and pets experience an increase in oxytocin levels during shared moments of affection, deepening the emotional connection and reinforcing why pets feel like family.

why pets feel like family

Emotional Support and Well-being

Pets offer a unique form of emotional support that’s different from human interactions. Their non-judgmental presence, loyalty, and unconditional love make them exceptional companions in times of stress, loneliness, or anxiety. For people who treat their pets as family members, this emotional connection can be as fulfilling as any human relationship, further highlighting why pets feel like family.

The Role of Routine and Shared Experiences

Another reason pets often feel like family members is the shared daily routine and experiences. Whether it’s the morning walks, feeding schedules, or playtime, these repetitive interactions create a sense of stability and belonging, not just for the pet but also for the human caregivers. Over time, these shared activities cement the perception of pets as integral family members.

why pets feel like family

Investing in Quality Care

Recognizing why pets feel like family often leads us to invest more in their well-being. Just as you wouldn’t compromise on healthcare or education for a human family member, the same ethos applies to pets. High-quality food, regular vet check-ups, and even specialized services like professional pet sitting contribute to the overall health and happiness of your pet. These items are further consolidating their status as a family member.

The Sociocultural Aspect

Finally, societal norms and values play a significant role in why pets feel like family. Many cultures view pet ownership not merely as an individual choice but as a form of extended kinship. This notion has been reinforced by media, literature, and social narratives. That is what is making the idea of pets as family members a widely accepted and cherished concept.


The emotional bond between humans and pets is not just anecdotal; it’s backed by science, psychological insights, and sociocultural factors. From the release of oxytocin to the shared daily routines, multiple elements contribute to why pets feel like family. As our understanding of this emotional bond deepens, it further solidifies the importance of investing in quality care and time for our furry, feathered, or scaled family members.

For More Information

If you have questions about this topic or general questions about pet care, you can contact Kara Jenkins, Owner of TLC House & Pet Sitting. We are also available by email at info@tlcpetsitter.com. View more of our articles on pets here.

Top 10 Things About Your Kitty’s Litter Box

Top 10 Things About Your Kitty’s Litter Box

Issues with Kitty Litter?

Let’s talk about your cat’s kitty litter box. Cats are instinctively clean animals that are internally motivated to use a clean, private litter box.  They require very little if any potty training.  So why is it that your cat chooses to relieve himself outside of the litter box?  There are several reasons for you to consider.

kitty litter box

Medical Reasons

If your cat is uncharacteristically eliminating waste outside of the litter box, it is important to understand that this behavior is common when there is a medical problem present.  Urinary tract infections and crystals make urination painful for a cat.  They may relate the painful experience to the litter box, and begin to avoid it.  Before considering other possibilities for this behavior, first speak to your veterinarian about your cat’s health.


Cats are very particular about the cleanliness of the area in which they choose to go potty.  It must be clean (by their standards).  If the litter box is soiled, your cat may prefer to “go” elsewhere.  Be sure to clean your kitty’s litter box at least once a day.  If there are multiple cats, you may need to consider more frequent cleaning.


A common cause for elimination outside of the litter box is stress.  If you notice your cat is going potty in random places, take note of the environment.  Are stressful events triggering this behavior?  Some stressful events that could cause your kitty to “go” are: a new pet in the home, loud or boisterous kids in the home, or unusually loud noises around the home.  Whenever possible, pinpoint the origin of your kitty’s stress and find a solution for it.

Location, Location, Location

Cats prefer a quiet, safe, and private location for their litter box.  They also prefer to eliminate waste far away from where they eat. If the litter box is in a location that is noisy, high-traffic, or there is a chance that other household animals may disturb their peace, they may choose another safer location to do their “business”.  Be sure to choose a quiet, safe location for your kitty’s litter box, so he will feel comfortable while using it.  Also, place your cat’s food in a separate room from his litter box.

Consistency of the Kitty’s Litter

Studies show that cats prefer litter that has a “sand-like” consistency and is odor free.  Litter that is highly perfumed may be offensive to your cat and therefore, your cat may reject his litter box.  So, consider using litter that contains fewer harsh odors.  (Remember that clumping litters are NOT recommended for kittens ages 4 months and younger, as they may have a tendency to swallow litter).  Also, when cleaning your cats litter box, use the same consideration with regards to cleaning products.   Furthermore, allowing the litter box to dry in the sun will help to kill germs and provide a fresh, clean scent.

Ditch the Liners

Also, litter box liners tend to be an annoyance to kitties and they may avoid the litter box because of it.  Although you may enjoy the convenience of the clean-up, your kitty may not appreciate it.  Consider ditching the liners to prevent your cat from avoiding the litter box.

Two Litter Boxes?

It is common for cats to prefer two different locations for #1’s and #2’s.  If you feel that this may be the case for your kitty, you should have two litter boxes.  Keep them in separate locations.  If you have a two-story home, keep one litter box on each floor.

Someone New?

Inviting a new cat into the home, or moving can cause behaviors such as marking the territory and stress-related elimination.  If you have a new cat or a new home, you should confine your cat in one room including the litter box, bed, food and water.  This will allow the cat to feel safe and secure while getting used to his new surroundings.  Once the cat has used the litter box multiple times, and is showing signs that he is curious about exploring the rest of the house, you can then let him do so.

Stay Put Kitty Litter Box

Once you determine the location of your cat’s litter box, don’t move it or change it (except to clean it of course)!  Cats need the consistency and they resist change.

Pardon Me

If you find your cat in the middle of “going” somewhere in the house, don’t punish him.  Instead, do something to interrupt him like making a startling noise.  Then immediately direct your cat to the litter box.  Since cats often times relieve themselves outside of the litter box only in times of stress, by punishing them, you will only add to their stress and cause more accidents in the future.  Instead of punishment, try to discover the reason why your cat is eliminating outside of the litter box.  Only then, will you be able to alter the behavior.

For More Information

If you have questions about this topic or general questions about pet care, you can contact Kara Jenkins, Owner of TLC House & Pet Sitting. We are also available by email at info@tlcpetsitter.com. View more of our articles on pets here.

10 Reasons for Keeping Your Cat Indoors in Scottsdale

10 Reasons for Keeping Your Cat Indoors in Scottsdale

Many cat owners are divided on the topic of keeping your cat indoors. A Scottsdale client recently told me a story of how his indoor / outdoor cat came home with scratches and bite marks after spending the night outside.  His cat really enjoyed the freedom and stimulation of being outdoors, but after several dangerous encounters, this client decided to keep his kitty indoors full time.

Many veterinarians agree that indoor cats live longer due to lower incidents of illness, accidents, and stress.  For a happier, healthier pet, you may want to consider keeping your cat indoors.

10 Reasons for Keeping Your Cat Safely Indoors:

Making the decision to keep your cat indoors for safety and health reasons is a very personal choice. In Scottsdale, we have coyotes, feral cats, homeless dogs, raccoons and other hungry animals roaming about – not to mention the occasional rattlesnake!

  1. Cat Parasites – Fleas, tapeworms, hookworms, and other parasites live outside. These skin and intestinal parasites are contracted while Fluffy is wandering in unfamiliar environments. She may pick them up from other animals or even by ingesting infected feces or soil. Parasites cause vomiting, diarrhea, dry skin, dull coat, itchiness and and other symptoms. Unfortunately, parasites can be very stressful for a cat.
  2. Traffic Accidents – Car accidents are a common cause of injury and death for outdoor cats.
  3. Feline Infection and Disease – Cats can easily catch something unpleasant when spending so much time outdoors. Common infections and some of the most dangerous feline diseases such as rabies, the leukemia virus and cat AIDS are extremely contagious. If your cat spends time outdoors, he may contract these diseases from infected felines or other animals. In addition, cats really like to chase mice and birds. Mice and birds are carriers of numerous infections.
  4. Poisoning – Outdoor cats may easily stumble upon toxic plants. Out of curiosity, craving or hunger, they will chew on these out of curiosity, craving or hunger. Poisoning can be fatal in cats, especially if you don’t get to the vet quickly.
  5. You can eliminate the toxic plants, rat poison and other potential dangers from your home, so your cat will not be at risk.
  6. Cat Fights – A cat spending time outdoors is more likely to get into a fight. Cats will fight with other cats, dogs, raccoons or skunks. Unless Fluffy is preparing for the impending serious injuries, this is very dangerous for her. In addition, contracting rabies from stray cats can also happen.
  7. Cat Allergies – Did you know that cats can get allergies, too? Some cats may develop allergy symptoms if left outdoors for extended periods of time. Why? Because they may be sensitive to inhalant allergens such as pollen.
  8. Early Detection – When kept indoors, you can better monitor your cat. Daily view of your feline allows you to quickly notice any changes in their health and behavior. This gives you opportunities to treat illnesses earlier.
  9. Reduce Stress – The stable environment that only a pet owner can provide while indoors, results in less stress for your beloved cats. Parasites and disease are also stress causing triggers. By being less exposed to these factors, an indoor cat may enjoy a more stress-free life.
  10. Cleaner Home – If your cat is not wandering outside, he won’t bring all the ‘gunk’. All kinds of dirt, dead animals and bacteria are out there and he may bring it in. This bacteria could affect the owner. This is especially true if the cat likes to spend time on couches or in the owner’s bed.
  11. Longer, Happier Life – Indoor cats typically live longer than outdoor cats. On average, indoor cats have a life expectancy between 10 to 15 years. Overall, however, there are several factors that determine how long your cat will live. This includes how often you take them to the vet for checkups.

Keeping your cat indoors is certainly a personal choice. If you’re like the cat owner we mentioned above, it may be time to consider making the switch to keeping your cat indoors full time.

For More Information

If you have questions about this topic or general questions about pet care, you can contact Kara Jenkins, Owner of TLC House & Pet Sitting. We are also available by email at info@tlcpetsitter.com. View more of our articles on pets here.

Importance of Cat Litter Scooping

Importance of Cat Litter Scooping

Cat litter scooping on the regular is more important than you might think.

As you know, your cat is a marvel of consistency. She sleeps in the same place, eats the same amount of food and drinks the same amount of water. Every day. Therefore, this love of routine can make it easy to spot early indicators about your cat’s health. And those telltale signs are often waiting in your cat’s litter box.

We Scoop for Many Reasons

 TLC offers regular litter box cleaning as part of our service. But cat litter scooping is more than just changing the litter. Our sitters are trained to monitor the scoops they make each visit. Among the things we look for are color (signs of blood in the urine or stool), odor (anything unusual), size of the urine clump (urinary tract concerns) and parasites in the stool.

 Not all the clues reside inside the litter box. If there are not the expected number of urine clumps, our sitters can alert you to this change of behavior. Peeing outside the box can be an expression of misdirected aggression (read this recent article) by your cat. Somehow her environment is not to her liking and you can take steps to correct the situation.

 An abnormal litter box does not automatically mean trouble. However, regular monitoring is a sure way help prevent trouble from brewing and keeping your cat happy.

Cat Litter Scooping Made Easy

cat litter scooping

If you’re like us, finding new gadgets to help us care for our pets is a fun pastime. Have you seen this “Litter-Robot“? It may be a little pricey for some of us. However, there are some equally impressive and less-expensive versions here. And, of course, remember the ever-popular manual cat litter scooper.

What to Do When Your Cat is Shy for Strangers

What to Do When Your Cat is Shy for Strangers

Mittens is Typically Full of Personality

But My Cat is Shy for Strangers

You could have the sweetest cat in the world, but no one would ever know if kitty rushes to hide under the bed whenever there’s company! It’s fairly common for cats to be afraid of strangers, especially if they weren’t socialized as kittens or grew up on the streets. If your cat is shy, try the following tips to help your cat feel less shy around strangers.

Provide a Safe Space

Before your company arrives, designate a safe area for your cat. It could be in a back room or a quiet area of your house where your cat usually feels calm and likes to sleep. Then, let your company know about your cat’s safe space. Advise them not to disturb kitty when he or she goes back there to be alone. This will help ease feelings of anxiety in your cat. He or she will know that there’s always a safe escape if things get too exciting.

Avoid Loud Noises

Some cats are afraid of strangers because they associate them with scary noises. Instead of using the doorbell or buzzer, let your guests know ahead of time that they should call or text once they’ve arrived. Try to keep the noise level of your conversation low and laughters down to a quiet chuckle to keep from spooking your cat.

Let the Cat Come to You

It could take several visits before your cat comes out to say hello to your company, and that’s perfectly normal. Don’t force your cat to greet strangers by catching them and holding them once your guests arrive. Alternatively, you can give your visitors a handful of treats to put down if kitty ventures close to them. You can also leave a pile of treats halfway between the safe area and your guests’ area to encourage kitty to come a little closer.

Use the formal feline greeting

Once your kitty feels comfortable approaching your guests, coach them to extend one finger and wait for the cat’s response. Your cat will either brush his or her cheeks on the finger, which means he or she feels comfortable enough to be petted, or simply walk away if not. Once your cat indicates it’s okay to be petted, remind your guests not to overdo it. One gentle chin rub should be enough.

When it comes to cat sitting, it can take a little time for kitties warm up to their sitters, too. Let us know if your cat tends to be shy, and we’ll do everything possible to make him or her feel comfortable and secure during our visits.

Questions About Why Your Cat is Shy?

If you have any questions about why your cat is shy, or other questions about pet care, you can contact Kara Jenkins, Owner of TLC Pet Sitter. We are also available by email at info@tlcpetsitter.com.

Feline Diabetes in Scottsdale

Feline Diabetes in Scottsdale

Feline Diabetes: The BasicsFeline Diabetes

In order to understand the basics of feline diabetes it is best to understand how diabetes develops.   When a body eats it converts food into energy.    The pancreas, an organ lying deep in the abdomen below the stomach, aids in this conversion by secreting enzymes and hormones to regulate digestion.  One of the hormones the pancreas secretes is insulin which helps to balance and regulate blood sugar levels.

Just as in human diabetes, there are different types of feline diabetes, mainly type 1 and type 2.   Type 1 diabetes occurs when insulin is not produced.  When insulin is not present there is no regulation of blood sugar levels and instead of the glucose being utilized as energy in the body’s cells glucose ends up in the bloodstream.   In type 2 diabetes insulin is produced; however, the body is not able to utilize the insulin, and again too much sugar ends up in the bloodstream.

Sometimes a cat is genetically predisposed to getting feline diabetes; however, one of the causes of diabetes in cats is the same as the cause of diabetes in humans, obesity.  Eating a high carbohydrate diet increases fat cells which in turn secrete a substance that decreases a body’s response to insulin and creates sugar imbalances.   Furthermore, cats are designed for metabolizing proteins and fats, not carbohydrates.  Controlling the amount of carbohydrate intake your cat has can be an effective method of controlling diabetes.  High fiber and high-complex carbohydrate diets have also been useful in helping overweight cats reach their goal weight.  Proper nutrition is vital and nutrition counseling for your specific cat should be discussed and planned with your veterinarian in order to achieve optimal results.

Other risk factors for feline diabetes includes age (older cats are more likely to get feline diabetes than younger cats), gender (males more likely than females), hormone imbalances, chronic pancreatitis, and certain medications.

The most common symptoms of feline diabetes are an increase in appetite, an increase in thirst, an increase in urine production, and weight loss.  Lethargy may also be reported.  Left untreated feline diabetes can lead to ketoacidosis, liver disease, bacterial infections, unhealthy skin, and neuropathy.  Feline diabetes does not cause the kidney disease and blood vessel disease than most people associate with human diabetes.  A diagnosis of feline diabetes can cause a shortened life span; however, feline diabetes does not have to be a death sentence as with proper care and management of the condition a cat may lead a normal life and even have temporary remissions from the disease.

The diagnosis of feline diabetes requires blood testing and urine testing.  Once diagnosed, treatment should begin immediately.  Treatment for feline diabetes depends on the severity of the presentation.  For more advanced cases, fluid therapy and insulin injections are needed.  For less severe cases, oral medications, insulin injections, and dietary changes are needed, with twice daily insulin injections being the most commonly recommended treatment protocol.  At home blood monitoring and insulin injections need to be performed on a relatively strict schedule.  Graze feeding is not recommended as careful monitoring of dietary intake is essential in determining if there is a shift in the cat’s eating or drinking habits.  Weight and urine production also need to be monitored closely for any variations that may indicate the diabetes is progressing.   Periodic veterinary examinations are also necessary.

Early detection is a key in maintaining your cat’s health.  If feline diabetes is detected early enough a low carbohydrate diet may allow the pancreas to recover and start producing enough insulin to regulate blood sugar levels again.  This may lead to remissions and temporary discontinuation of medication.   While there is no cure for diabetes, with proper veterinary treatment and consistent, loving home care a cat can lead a normal, happy, and healthy life.



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